How Can I Make the World More Beautiful?

I could have an organization that took trash out of the water, and polluted liquids and chemicals that spill into rivers, ponds, and the ocean.  We could make inventions that help save creatures.  We could make a giant dam that acts like a filter.  I could also be a missionary to people I met in different countries while helping out there.  I could help with building projects.  That’s a way I could make the world more beautiful.


  1. Wow, I love your big ideas and creative methods to reach people both physically and spiritually.


    1. Thank you for your comment, I wonder what your big ideas are? Also I wonder what your favorite animal is? I like hermit crabs and koalas, I even have had hermit crabs before. What is your favorite holiday? Mine is Christmas.



  2. I love that idea, I would love to see that happen. Do you feel like you can make a career out of this creation?


  3. I love your ideas about making the world beautiful because it has changed a lot over the past few years. I think it would be very hard work and cost a lot of money too.


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