36 Things to be Happy About in Holland

  1. 1.Hard, wooden, uncomfortable to my feet clogs
  2. Operation spy pig
  3. The full of adventures goat farm
  4. The beautiful, enormous windmills turning in the sky on a flat, grassy plain
  5. The wondrous mall
  6. The yummy food trailer with icing-covered waffles
  7. The awesome toy store with the impossible
  8. The amazing cheese market
  9. The gigantic cheese wheels
  10. The usually boring bike shop
  11. The cool cheese festival when it showed us on the big screen
  12. The cool mini-streets made for bikes
  13. The fun homeschooling
  14. Our little brick wall backyard
  15. The monkey ledge above the couch
  16. Climbing on our couch to get to the monkey ledge
  17. Being a caterpillar in the caterpillar tunnel
  18. The Bible story cards for Bible in homeschooling
  19. Eating super-good ramen with Rico, Elena, and Munoo at Elena and Rico’s house
  20. Wondrous, beautiful, colorful, amazing fields and fields of tulips
  21. Red tulips
  22. Yellow tulips
  23. Blue tulips
  24. Pink tulips
  25. White tulips
  26. Small tulips
  27. Medium-sized tulips
  28. Big tulips
  29. Huge tulips
  30. Ginormous tulips
  31. Tulips
  32. Wholesome tulips
  33. Plain tulips
  34. Awesome tulips
  35. Holland
  36. The place better than anything on earth


  1. A very precious friend of mine is married to a wonderful lady from the Netherlands. I shared your poem with them, as I know they would enjoy your beautiful Holland memories. They visit Europe quite often, and Mr. Van even mailed me a piece of a windmill to show our class during the time you were over there. The way you described the tulips makes me want to see those fields someday!


  2. Wonderful to read the impressions of a younger visitor…..different, but clearly, there are timeless aspects. Well done!

    ~Mr. Van Derven


  3. I’ve never been to holland but now I want to go!!🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀


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